Do You Need a Toronto Boxelder Bug Exterminator?
Addison Pest Control is the boxelder bug specialist. We have never failed to eliminate a boxelder bug infestation.
How to Get Rid of Boxelder Bugs?
Here’s how…
Getting rid of boxelder bugs can be as easy as spraying them with hot water from a garden hose. Since boxelder bugs are susceptible to drowning, many homeowners are able to wash them off exterior walls or tree trunks with a forceful stream of hot water.
Hot water between 165-180˚F will kill boxelder bugs.
If you need a boxelder bug exterminator in Toronto, you’ve come to the right place!
Addison Pest Control is the boxelder bug specialist. We have never failed to eliminate a box elder bug infestation.
That might sound like a bold claim to some, but we have the experience, equipment, & know-how to handle any boxelder bug treatment plan.
Got Boxelder Bugs? Then you want…
To quickly eliminate the boxelder bug infestation in your home or garden and stop this foul-smelling nuisance.
An affordable, professional, honest, and warrantied Toronto boxelder bug exterminator.
An environmentally conscious boxelder bug treatment that is safe for the whole family, including your pets.
Here’s what to expect with Addison’s Boxelder Bug treatment:
Answers to all of your questions.
A no-obligation quote over the phone in seconds.
Flexible scheduling with 24/7 same-day service throughout the GTA.
No hidden service fees or follow-up costs.
Addison Box Elder Bug pest control experts have...
Decades of experience
A trusted track record
All-inclusive warranty
Comprehensive customer service
Rigorously trained technicians
Tried and tested extermination methods
The safest, most effective box elder bug spray & insecticides
Service Area
Downtown Toronto, Midtown, Chinatown, Burlington, the Annex, Little Italy, Harbourfront, Cabbagetown, Summerhill, Forest Hill, Rosedale, the Junction, Parkdale, Bloordale, Scarborough, North York, Brampton, Mississauga, Vaughan, Markham, Pickering, Hamilton, London and beyond!
How to Treat a Box Elder Bug Infestation
Step 1: Boxelder Bug Heat Treatment
Handheld heat treatment gun.
Direct heat applied locally to areas of boxelder bug concentration.
Harbourage sites are located and exterminated
Applied to all infested material to eliminate eggs and live bugs immediately
Heat kills boxelder bugs eggs, larvae and adults.
No damage to furniture, flooring, baseboard or trim.
Instantly kills all bugs and eggs treated.
Mediates the risk of pesticide resistance.
No residual protection.
Only kills the bugs and eggs that are visible and accessible to technicians.
Not sufficient without other complementary extermination techniques.
Step 2: Boxelder Bug Powder Treatment
Physical + Chemical
Power duster
A fine silica dust insecticide is injected into all crevices and wall cavities through electrical sockets and gaps underneath baseboards.
Injected into any wall void or drain where boxelder bug are particularly active.
Cuts up the boxelder bug abdomen.
Coats the insides of the wall cavities to create a protective powder barrier around your home.
No boxelder bug can spread to or from attached houses, adjacent apartments or condo units.
Essential lasting protection.
Fully approved by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, safe and non-toxic for humans and animals of all shapes and sizes.
Only suitable for crack and crevice treatment.
Step 3: Boxelder Bug Spray Treatment
Chemical + Residual
Precision surface sprayer
A fine mist of residual spray is applied to the backs, sides and bottoms of box springs, mattresses, bed frames, couches, chairs, baseboards, door jambs and floors throughout the home.
Kills boxelder bugs on contact and remains active as a protective surface treatment to continue to kill boxelder bugs as they come out of hiding.
Keeps your home and furniture protected for up to 6 months.
Fully approved by Ontario Ministry of Environment, safe and non-toxic for humans and animals of all shapes and sizes.
Fully approved by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, safe and non-toxic for humans and animals of all shapes and sizes.
If used improperly, may promote pesticide resistance
Beware of Discount Pest Control
These companies use low quality or low concentration surface sprays with only 10 to 14 days of protection.
The tip off is when companies offer to do a “follow-up spray” two weeks after the first treatment. While this may seem extra thorough, boxelder bugs can remain beneath inside wall voids during winter for several months
While hibernating boxelder bugs can remain hidden in wall voids and cracks and crevices around the home for several month
By this time the cheap treatment will have long worn off and the new population of boxelder bugs will be free to re-infest your home.
These budget services can breed pesticide resistance in the boxelder bugs in your home, making future treatments increasingly challenging.
Using high quality, long residual insecticides, varied extermination methods, and thorough single applications is the key to our success at Addison
Beware of Misclassification
Because of anatomical similarities boxelder bugs are easily mistaken for various true bugs and outdoor insects
kissing bug
assassin bug
milkweed bug
red-shouldered bug
The three longitudinal red lines on the pro-thorax (behind the head) of the boxelder easily distinguishes it from these other species
Since boxelder bugs tend to multiply more severely than these species, proper classification will help in considering potential treatment steps
Consult a pest control professional for proper identification
What you need to know for an effective boxelder bug treatment
The eastern boxelder bug is a nuisance pest that is most active throughout the GTA in the spring and fall months.
They feed on the sap from tree buds and twigs, the petals of flowers and the flesh of fruits.
Though they do not cause significant damage to trees and are not dangerous for humans or pets they produce a strong foul odour when crushed and can multiply in great numbers, invading homes and becoming a serious annoyance to homeowners
How to Identify Boxelder Bugs
The eastern boxelder bug (Boisea Trivattata) is the most common form of boxelder bug in the Toronto area.
What do boxelder bugs look like?
Length: 12mm
Shape: flattened elongate body
Colour: black with red accents
Features: characteristic inverted red “V” on their back
Antennae: black
Wings: winged and capable of flight, red accents on the edge of wings forms “V”
Mouthparts: sucking mouthparts to suck nectar from tree buds and fruit
Development: May produce 1-2 generations per year
BEWARE of misclassification as
kissing bug
assassin bug
milkweed bug
red-shouldered bug
Adults overwinter in a sheltered environment and emerge to lay eggs in the early springtime
Length: 1.3mm
Shape: flattened elongate body
Colour: bright red to orange, red abdomen
Antennae: black antennae and head
Mouthparts: chewing mouthparts to bore though wood, mouthparts strengthen as the larvae age through successive moults
Wings: none
Development: 5 nymphal stages becoming progressively darker, depending on climatic conditions reach maturity within 4-8 weeks
Colour: straw yellow become red as nymph embryo develops
Shape: Oblong
Development: hatch within 10-14 days
Foraging Behaviour
Prefer the buds and developing seeds of female trees such as
boxelder tree
maple tree
ash trees
Can adapt to a variety of plant hosts such as:
petals of flowers
the fruit of almond, cherry, peach, pear and plum trees
the fruit of grape and strawberry vines
Life Cycle and Reproduction
Egg to Adult 2-3 months in most circumstances
May produce 2 generations per year
Eggs are shiny and yellow and become red as the boxelder embryo develops within
Eggs are laid in the early spring months the crevices of tree bark or in the opening buds of trees
Eggs hatch within 10-14 days
Nymphs are anatomically similar to adults and progress through 5 instar stages, becoming progressively darker, until they are black coloured sexually mature adults
Mating occurs throughout the summer months.
When the weather starts to cool down adults seek out a sheltered warm place to hibernate for the winter months
Boxelders commonly find their way indoors in fall months where they become an elevated nuisance to homeowners
How do I know if I have an boxelder bug infestation?
Boxelder bugs will congregate in large numbers on the exterior walls of houses and the trunks of trees that receive ample sunlight
As the weather cools boxelders may find their way into your home in search of an appropriate overwintering shelter
Seeing the odd boxelder in the spring and summer months in your ohm or garden is no reason for concern
Large populations of boxelders can be unsightly and annoying for homeowners
Boxelders are known to swarm in large groups, if a large group of adults establishes itself around your home in the spring or summer it is necessary to take action to prevent them from entering your home in the fall
Where do I look for a boxelder bug infestation?
Frequently found sunning themselves in large congregations on south and west facing walls, windows and doors of homes or garages
Boxelders may prefer light coloured surfaces
How did boxelder bugs get into my home?
As the weather cools in the fall months boxelder bugs try to find a sheltered environment to overwinter
Boxelder adults can fly up to 3km in search of an adequate overwintering location
Even if boxelder bugs are active in a neighbours garden your home is at greater risk of invasion
With a fairly flattened body they can squeeze into narrow holes and crack in the house. Some common places to check and secure against boxelders are:
doors and windows without adequate weather stripping and door sweeps
broken window or door screens
underneath siding
drying vents and ventilation pipes without screens
cracks and crevices in the mortar and foundation
open chimneys
insecurities in the flashing and soffits along the roofline
Once they have entered the home they may live in great numbers in wall voids and ducts
Boxelders will gain access to the main living area from any crack or crevice such as:
gaps under the baseboard
around light fixtures
heating vents
dryer ducts
any hole in drywall or wall covering
What do boxelder bugs eat?
Prefer the buds and developing seeds of female trees such as
boxelder tree
maple tree
ash trees
Can adapt to a variety of plant hosts such as:
petals of flowers
the fruit of almond, cherry, peach, pear and plum trees
the fruit of grape and strawberry vines
How serious is a boxelder bug infestation?
may damage or deform developing treees
may cause fruit to become deformed
do not harm people or pets
do not sting or transmit disease
multitply in great numbers, invade homes and backyards and become a nuisance to homeowners
their faeces can stain fabrics and furniture in the home
may stain fabrics and furniture when crushed
emit a foul offensive odour when crushed
do not reproduce within a building
Can I eliminate a boxelder bug infestation on my own?
Many initiatives can be undertaken on your own to reduce or eliminate the invasive boxelder bug from your home or garden
Eliminate feeding source
removing the boxelder, maple or ash tree will eliminate the feeding source and cause the boxelders to move away from your home
A strong water jet from a hose or pressure washer will blow away and eliminate boxelders that can be seen
Laundry detergent, aerosols, contact killers
Mixing laundry detergent with water for a homemade box elder bug spray, as well as store-bought aerosol insecticides and contact killers will kill all sprayed boxelders on contact
These methods do not provide residual protection for boxelder bugs that emerge from hiding
Vacuuming boxelders in the home will remove them from the living space and cut into their numbers
vacuum bag should be removed and dosposed of or placed in the freezer for at least 12 hours
How do I prevent a boxelder bug infestation?
Boxelder bugs are not a concern in small numbers when they remain outdoors
As the weather cools in the fall months boxelder adults will try to find a sheltered environment to hibernate
They commonly find their way into homes at this time
inspection and securing of potential entry points to the home reduced the risk of invasion
Some important steps to secure your home against boxelder bugs include:
repair or replace window and door screens
add weather stripping and door sweeps
caulk any gap underneath siding or crack in the foundation or mortar
add fine mesh screens to dryer and heating vents that lead outdoors
add a secure closure to chimneys
inspect and secure any gaps in the roofline, soffits or flashing
How can Addison help eliminate an boxelder bug infestation?
Our goal: remove an infestation as quickly as possible and keep your home pest free for good
Combine three pest-control techniques applied on a single appointment on a single day
Guarantee the effectiveness of the treatment to eradicate the infestation completely
No pest control method is perfect
A comprehensive three-part treatment, including a long residual insecticide spray to provide up to 6 months of ongoing protection
Each method compensates for the shortcomings of the others
Yields quick and dependable results to eliminate boxelder bugs
Every treatment accompanied by preventative and monitoring measures
Up to 6 months of protection
Ongoing protection against future infestations
Prevention includes:
thorough inspection
Entry point sealing
Identifying and eliminating infested material sources
Sticky traps and other monitoring techniques.
Do boxelder bugs bite humans?
In rare occaisons boxelder bugs have been reported to bite humans in self degense
Boxelder bugs do not transmit disease.
What A Happy Customer Says About Addison Pest Control on Google:
This is our second time using Addison to treat the problems we were having with box elder bugs. We had Jesse out last year and this year we had Cameron come out to spray around the house in hopes of knocking down and eliminating the population of bugs. Cameron took his time and listened to our concerns. I would strongly recommend Addison pest control if you are having problems with the box elder bug. If you have any questions or concerns Jay is very helpful.
Russell R.
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